The cost of living in Austin, Texas. Lets look at the big ones, transportation, utilities, food, and how much it cost to buy a house in Austin Texas.
Austin is frequently listed as one of the best places to live. It's the Live Music Capital of the World and also happens to be one of the fastest growing tech cities.
If you are curious about the cost of living in Austin, let’s start with the most significant expenses:
According to payscore.com, Austin’s housing is 2% higher than the national average. In fact, based on the Austin Board of Realtors July data, the median home price in the city of Austin is $423,000.
There are other areas outside of Austin with a lower medium house price including Round Rock. In Round Rock, the medium house price is $353,000, but there are a few areas you can buy into for about $250,000. If that is out your price range, don’t get worried just yet. If you're willing to move out a little bit further, there are other additional options.
Texas might not have a state income tax, but we do have higher property taxes. If you need a kickback, there are a few exemptions that you can claim. For the Travis county area it’s about 2.14% and can get a little higher as you go further out into newer communities.
Energy, Fuel & Natural Gas
Payscore.com says that the average electricity bill is $147.4 a month, which is below the national average. I averaged my personal bill and it came to $161.10, and I have 5 people in my family.
Texas is a vast state, but we haven't yet mastered the art of public transportation in our metro areas. If you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint stay closer to central or downtown Austin. At the time of this article, gas is as low as $1.63 per gallon and natural gas will run anywhere between $30 and $120 per month. My personal trash and water range from $93-$160.
Austin’s grocery prices are about 12% lower than the national average with a variety of places to shop. Basic staples, such as milk eggs and bread are around $1.70-$2.92.
If you’re thinking about moving to Austin or the surrounding areas, feel free to reach out to me by phone, email or the comment section. I look forward to hearing from you!